How Python Remove Last Character From String

In this Post we will show you to python remove last character from string with detailed theory and example code. So, be with us and let’s begin.

How To Python Remove Last Character From String

1. Slicing

Python supports both positive and negative index slicing. The negative index can go from -1 to -. (number of iterations) Negative slicing is used to get elements that are near the end of an iterable.
When iterating over an iterable, the last item can be retrieved by using the index -1.

Using “-2” as an index will return the second-to-last item in the iterable.

It lasts until the very first element is introduced.

Let’s examine a concrete example now.

name = ‘Tech3’ print(name[1]) print(name[len(name)])

The negative indexing used in the aforementioned code returns both the beginning and the end of the string.

How does the slicing operation eliminate the final character in a string? Changing a single line of code is all that’s required. Slicing allows us to extract a specific segment of the string. If the same operation is carried out with a negative index, the final character of the string is omitted.

The string is truncated from its beginning to its previous end.

buggy_name = ‘Tech3’ name = buggy_name[:1] print(name)

For the time being, only concentrate on the second line of code. We’ve reached the magical line of code. As with conventional slicing, this method cuts the string in half, skipping the element at the second provided index.

If the preceding code is executed, it will always return the value Tech3.

2. Rstrip

The rstrip string function removes characters from the right side of a string. It can thus be use to eliminate the final element of the string. Simply modifying one line of code will allow us to remove the trailing character from a string.

If you give the strip method the very end of a string, it will return the string sans the very end.

Analyzing the code snippet is require.

buggy_name = ‘Tech3’ name = buggy_name.rstrip(buggy_name[1]) print(name)

The final character of the string was pass as an input to the strip method. A string with its final character strip is return by this function.

If you launch the program, the word “Tech3” will show in the terminal.

3. Practical Example – remove the last word

The answer is yes, and we intend to do just that by implementing what we have learn in the real world.

So, let’s imagine we have a document with many paragraphs in it. In addition, we must delete the final byte of the final line.

Please follow the steps outline below to develop the software.

This is how python remove last character from string. You can find all of this information in the file.

This is a sample line for testing. LastWord. This is a sample line for testing. KillingIt. This is a sample line for testing. RandomWord. This is a sample line for testing. DeleteIt. This is a sample line for testing. RemovingIt.

Keep reading to find out what it is.

updated_data = ”

# opening the file

with open(‘random_text.txt’, ‘r+’) as file:

    # read the file content

    file_content = file.readlines()

    # iterate over the content

    for line in file_content:

        # removing last word

        updated_line = ‘ ‘.join(line.split(‘ ‘)[:-1])

        # appending data to the variable

        updated_data += f'{updated_line}\n’

    # removing the old data


    # writing the new data


If the preceding code were execute with the file, the file would be modify as shown below.

  1. This is a sample line for testing.
  2. This is a sample line for testing.
  3. This is a sample line for testing.
  4. This is a sample line for testing.
  5. This is a sample line for testing.

So, that’s all about How To Python Remove Last Character From String. I pray you found this manual instructive.

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