Digital Marketing

What Is Negative Targeting In PPC Amazon Advertisers Use Negative Keywords

The cost of pay-per-click advertising can be prohibitive, and negative keywords are a crucial tool for keeping costs down and ensuring success on Amazon and other e-commerce sites. You will need search terms to use for your negative keyword list, but how do you use these search terms in your Amazon ppc management to better target your product listings?

Why Do Amazon Advertisers Use Negative Keywords?

As it sounds obvious, negative keywords are the opposite of keywords. If you do not filter your Amazon ads based on negative keywords, your ads will most likely be shown on hundreds, if not thousands, of irrelevant and unprofitable searches. Taking a step back and analyzing how negative keywords are typically used in Amazon ppc services is important before we begin analyzing how negative keywords can be used on Amazon. The phrases or words used to prevent your ad from appearing on Amazon’s search engine results pages are called negative keywords. Also, they avoid displaying ads when search queries are irrelevant, low priority, or unsuccessful.

If, for instance, you sell sunglasses on Amazon, bidding on the phrase match keyword “glasses” without a negative keyword could result in your ad appearing in the search results for “reading glasses” or “drinking glasses”. The lack of interest in your product would not only cause you to show up in uninterested buyers’ searches, but they may also accidentally click on your ad, costing you extra money.

What Is Amazon’s Negative Targeting?

Amazon offers negative product targeting, which prevents your ads from appearing when the search term is the same as one of your negative product selections or negative keywords. By excluding certain brands and products from your advertising campaign, you can keep your ads relevant to your target market, increasing your return on advertising (ACoS).

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How To Use Amazon’s Negative Targeting

A negative product targeting feature is available in Sponsored Ads. Ads appear on relevant product detail pages and targeted search pages, so shoppers only see your ads if they are relevant to your business.

Why Should We Use Negative Product Targeting?

It’s important that your ads don’t show up on irrelevant brands.

  1. Ensure That Irrelevant Searches Aren’t Advertised

Consider the example of a toy truck business. Think about a brand of T-shirts called “ToyTrucks.” While it might match the keywords, buyers looking for T-shirts will not be interested in your truck products. You will not waste advertising dollars on these irrelevant searches if you use negative product targeting.

  1. Don’t Associate Yourself With The Wrong Brands

Disassociating from certain brands is another reason to use negative product targeting. As an example, you might notice that your advertisement appears on the product pages of lower-quality brands. It is possible that your products may develop a poor reputation by association if they are associated with specific brands.

  1. Don’t Promote Your Competitors’ Products In Your Ads

Also, you might want to find ASINs that perform well and target them manually. As an example, if one of your products is similar to another product with a higher rating and a lower price, advertising your product on its page will not be very beneficial. Your ad will not appear on product pages that will likely perform better than yours when you use negative product targeting.

How To Make Amazon Product Targeting More Effective With Negative Keywords?

The following three strategies can help you accomplish your goals:

  1. Improve Broad Match Campaign Performance With 3 Metrics

You can determine which search terms are decreasing the effectiveness of your campaign using Amazon Advertising. Using this information, you can adapt your strategy and increase the performance of your campaign. You will only need three different metrics to be able to use them to determine which low-performing keywords should become negative. You will need:

  • Non-converters with a low CTR: You can define these terms as those that produce over 2,500 impressions, less than 0.18 percent click-through rate, and no conversions. Those terms that fit into these measurements need to be turned into negative keywords.
  • Click-throughs that do not convert. Anything that has over 34 clicks has an average conversion rate of 9.8% for Amazon sellers. It’s time to find a term that performs better for your product if you’re getting clicks without purchases in this range.
  • Low-conversion high-spenders. To determine what terms are causing you to spend the most without converting, look at your budget and profit margins. Using this term is a waste of money if you have anything in this category.

Use the metrics above as a guide for developing your negative keyword list.

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  1. You Shouldn’t Compete With Your Own Ads

Invest in PPC advertising rather than competing with yourself. Avoid bid conflicts by using negative keywords for similar products.

Let’s say that you sell a variety of sports shoes. Use “children’s sports shoes” as a negative keyword for your most important shoes, and use more specific terms like “back children’s sports shoes” or “magic tape children’s sports shoes” for the rest of your sports shoes product line. Your priority product will be more successful since you will avoid competing with the same keywords for all your products.

  1. Targeting The Right Audience (also known as campaign sculpting)

Advertisers often use broad matches without giving them any more direction. To avoid irrelevant or non-converting clicks, you can use negative keywords as a campaign sculpting tool. Prior to eliminating high-converting terms, make sure you understand what search terms your audience is using.


Negative keywords are definitely a necessary component of Amazon PPC campaigns if you want to save a little money and increase CTR. Create a successful negative keyword targeting strategy by using the tips above if you haven’t already.

If you are looking for Amazon PPC management software to handle all your PPC activities, checkout Urtasker. If you need further guidance on negative keyword targeting, reach out to us. We are one of the top Amazon PPC agencies in the market and have already helped more than 1000 small business owners achieve their goals.


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Marco Lou is a Tech Geek and Blogger who loves to write for Digital Marketing & Business News. If he is not writing then watching Netflix or Warcry :)

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