
Top 15 Best Snowboard Movies of All Time

We have compiled a list of the top snowboarding films for your viewing pleasure. Anyone who likes action and adventure will adore these flicks, but extreme sports lovers will find particularly great value in them. Watching snowboarding films is a fun way to pass the time while you’re stuck indoors, whether you’re a snowboarder or just enjoy seeing other people defy gravity on their boards.

You may get your fill of adrenaline at home by watching any one of a number of fantastic sports movies. Seeing your favourite snowboarding heroes in action has never been easier than with these incredible films and documentaries.

The 15 Best Snowboard Movies

The following is a list of the ten snowboarding movies that we believe are absolutely necessary and can be viewed right now on Red Bull TV.

1: The Art of Flight 

If you were to ask snowboarders what their favourite film was, the overwhelming majority would name Art of Flight. If you’re only going to see one snowboard movie, make it this one because of how well-known it is in the field. It’s Travis Rice, the man who practically reimagined snowboarding, who is the major attraction.

Every audience will be on the edge of their seat as they see never-before-seen tricks, feats, and landscapes in this film. Extreme borders confront unique risks, and the film accurately portrays those risks. It’s no exaggeration to call “The Art of Flight” a masterpiece.

2: Full Moon 

When it comes to female snowboarding pioneers, the history of women in the sport, and the struggles they’ve encountered, Full Moon is more than simply a great snowboarding film. This massive undertaking took two years to complete, and the results are both profound and immediately useful.

This documentary is a stunning homage to the legacy of women in snowboarding, and it was created by a group of strong women known as the Full Moon Crew, who compiled interviews, archival film, and extreme riding stuff. Leanne Pelosi, the show’s director and an amazing border in her own right, serves as the glue that holds the ensemble’s impressive performances together.

We applaud the Full Moon cast and crew for blazing (pardon the pun) a trail for other women in the business.

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3: Let It Ride 

Craig Kelly, the “Godfather of Freeriding,” is honoured in the film Let it Ride. It covers more than 25 years and follows Kelly as she rises to prominence as a snowboarding icon. When he started out as a young man, snowboarding was not yet a well-known sport, but his incredible freestyle abilities propelled it into the public spotlight. He eventually became a household figure in the winter sports sector after winning many national and international titles.

The narrative continues to detail his bolder, steeper, and deeper backcountry exploits. There was never a dull moment in his life, and the mountains were always his refuge. Because Kelly died in an avalanche in 2003, the film is meant as a homage to him; yet, it does an excellent job of being both thrilling and upbeat. While you’re sitting at your job from 9 to 5, keeping tabs on the lives of mountain devotees might be a fascinating pastime.

4: The King Snow

King Snow Magazine presents a film that is both visually gorgeous and focused on innovative snowboarding. See the top Canadian snowboarders taking use of the country’s world-famous terrain to the most of their abilities.

5: Eero Ettala – Ender

With a career spanning two decades, Eero Ettala is a pioneer in his field who consistently breaks new ground. The Finnish freestyle pioneer’s final film project is a mix of personal reflection and high-octane action, exploring what it’s like to dedicate one’s life to the pursuit of a single goal: a starring role in a snowboarding feature film.

6: Method Magazine – The Method Movie

A decent sense of what to anticipate from Europe’s most hardcore and longest running shred gospel, Method Magazine, can be gleaned by seeing their debut feature-length snowboard film. All the sickest subterranean riders and the sickest rails and booters are here in this extreme snow porn.

7: Back in Black

I could watch this again and again and still like it. In addition to including some of today’s top riders, the closing segment of Jeff Anderson’s portion in “Back in Black” is the most emotionally moving in the sport’s history. This stuff may make you cry. DCP, Gigi Rüf, Chris Coulter, Jeff Anderson, and Iika Backstrom all had impressive performances.

8: The Community Project

I took this movie with me on every hike, but I can’t remember what it was. “The Group Effort” Of course “That’s It, That’s All” was one of the most influential films in the history of snowboarding, and “The Art of Flight” is truly out of this world.

What happened before it, though? “Collaborative Initiative for Building Community” It was a taste of what was to come from Travis Rice’s imagination. So, this is the film that, if I had to select just one, would be the one that altered my perspective on snowboarding. Rather of being so mind-blowing that you’d never want to snowboard again, it demystified the sport and made it accessible to the rest of us regular folks. In addition, it features a stellar cast and music.

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9: True Life

There are a lot of reasons why this is one of my top picks. For some reason, it stands out from the rest of the crowd. It was my first time at a premiere, and the video impressed me as a technological leap. All of the Forum cast members were so well-dressed, and the films they made had such a unique, weighty atmosphere.

Despite the sombre introduction, the film’s tone is light and carefree because to the extraordinary events of that year and the abundance of trip footage. The opening is powerful on its own, and some details, such as Peter (Line) riding a motorcycle while wearing a leather jacket, stay with you long thereafter.

10: Transcendence

It wasn’t until I saw “Transcendence” that I realised how beautiful snowboarding might be. By combining the extremes of “The Haakonsen Faktor” and a “banger” snowboarding film, Justin Hostynek created something completely new.

The film features an impressive cast, including Travis Rice, Gigi Rüf, Michi Albin, Wolle Nyvelt, Nicholas Müller, Romain DeMarchi, and JP Solberg, and it all leads up to a surreal sequence in which Solberg, disguised as a rabbit, dances to the Beatles’ “A Day in the Life.” The original conclusion was modified because no one could afford to pay for the rights to a Beatles song.

11: Deeper

Fantastic film about snowboarding in the Rocky Mountains. Featuring heavy philosophical and subtextual elements, the first film in the trilogy (Deeper, 2010; Further, 2012; Higher, 2014) explores the nature of “genuine” snowboarding.

Boarders in this film hike, camp out, and ride through uncharted territory. When individuals first visit majestic mountains, their perception of them often shifts drastically. A swift demise awaits those who refuse to adapt. There’s a hidden meaning to this movie, and we’re going to talk about it.

With this film, Teton Gravity Studies and Jeremy Jones demonstrated the importance of filming freeride on massive mountains. The exceptional cinematography and editing transport the spectator to a world in which he or she is quite unlikely to ever find themselves. To hear Jeremy Jones tell it, the exploits are just getting started.

12: Apocalypse Snow

Maybe this is the film that any snowboarder worth their salt has to see. A timeless picture that premiered in 1983. An early film featuring snowboarders, this film explores the sport’s early days. You may probably expect some classic jumping and freeriding, but not any sophisticated tricks.

The film provides a great look at the history of snowboarding from the perspective of its early practitioners. The folks who took part were courageous, skilled riders who had endured intense training.

13: The Art of Flight

Undoubtedly one of the most exciting and thrilling snowboarding films ever made. One of the greatest snowboarders of all time, Travis Rice, is featured in the video along with a slew of other talented riders.

The environment and sights are stunning, and it shows off excellent routes and spectacular new feats. It’s a beautiful movie that shows how difficult riding in the hills can be. The film’s visuals, riding, and score are all top-notch. Do yourself a favour and check this out if you like snowboarding, or even if you don’t.

14: The Crash Reel 

In The Crash Reel, snowboarder Kevin Pearce recounts his experiences, including his bitter feud with Shaun White. Unfortunately, Pearce sustained a catastrophic brain injury while training for the 2010 Winter Olympics, therefore ending his professional snowboarding career.

The film is packed with action, emotion, and passion and focuses on the themes of resolve and perseverance in the face of adversity.

The video provides a raw and intimate look into the culture of snowboarding, revealing its beauty as well as its ugliness. The video is about more than simply Kevin’s healing from his accident; it’s also about the significance of family and never giving up.

15: The Fourth Phase

That which one “is continually seeking for” implies dissatisfaction with the present and the expectation of a better future. It’s amazing to hear what a recording has to say about folks who are born to find. About people who have just learnt to walk and are now exploring the world in search of novel experiences that will both satisfy their natural curiosity and help them realise their ambitions.

The protagonists of this movie are the kind of people who, while facing the challenges of adulthood, keep looking and working to better themselves. Travis Rice, the world’s strongest snowboarder, and his teammates go to Japan, Russia, the United States, and Alaska to practise and explore the extremities of their sport. This is a great addition to the canon of snowboarding movies.

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Marco Lou is a Tech Geek and Blogger who loves to write for Digital Marketing & Business News. If he is not writing then watching Netflix or Warcry :)

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